www.morrisminifarmcreations.com is a family business created by 3 generations of artists. We create original artwork. We live in the Ozarks of Arkansas and feel blessed we are in such a peaceful and beautiful setting so we can do what we love.
Nora and Sherri create various arts and crafts but their main love is handcrafting jewelry and photography.
Shawnee is a young artist who works in various mediums. She has entered many contests and fairs, winning awards and many blue ribbons. Her entries in the 2018 State Fair earned her BEST IN SHOW for Senior Youth Art Division. She graduated Valedictorian of her 2021 high school class and is currently attending college for an art degree. She is a social media personality and live streams while she creates. You can find and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Twitch. She is on all platforms listed @shawneemorrisart